Strength training is the foundation of Team Transform’s training principles, and is ideal for building strength (absolute and relatve), improving body composition (sculpting the shape of your body), and prevention of injuries. Whether you want to improve in sports performance, get in shape, shed fat, get stronger or just work on your overall health and well being, strength training is for EVERYONE!

Get the results you want with structured progressive overload training blocks, focusing on different aspects of strength, to ensure you are a well-rounded individual.

All sessions can be modified to suit individuals needs, cater to different fitness levels, and work around specific injuries or health issues.


Our conditioning sessions are split into two, with one targeting The Aerobic Energy System, and the other targeting the Anaerobic Energy System. Both of these sessions will help you get in the best shape of your life and ensure you’re firing on all cylinders.

Many field-sport players make the mistake of only doing steady state cardio (aerobic) to get fit for their sport; but more often than not you are either sprinting (anaerobic) or walking in most field sports, and as such, interval training is ideal to imitate the kind of fitness you need in games to make short explosive bursts, recover, and go again.

All sessions can be modified to suit individuals needs, cater to different fitness levels, and work around specific injuries or health issues.


Not keen on our Strength and Conditioning Program? Want a bit more variety with your training? No problem! We will give you our Boot Camp program to follow via our PTminder app, which you can do during any of the available class times as you please.

All sessions can be modified to suit individuals needs, cater to different fitness levels, and work around specific injuries or health issues.